Category Archives: Rush

Straining at invisible chains…

I can really tell that the end of the semester is coming.  I have NO time!

Monday through Thursday I get to school early.  Every day.  Even on Wednesday, when I don’t have class until 5:30pm, I get there at noon.  I don’t have much down time while I’m there, either.  I’m in a study group, doing homework, working in the computer lab (NOT surfing the web, either), … the list goes on.  Sure, I have moments when I can sit back and shoot the bull with some friends, but those moments are short and far between.

On Fridays, I make myself stop school for a while so that I can rest.  I need this physically, but more mentally.  This is when you can actually find me on the couch watching TV.  Of course, if you ask me what I’ve been watching, I wouldn’t be able to tell you, but I’m looking in the general direction of the television, and it happens to be on, so I must be watching something.  I don’t really watch that much TV on Fridays, to be honest.  I try to remember that there are things I would like to do on my computer so that I will pry myself off the couch and get them done.  It’s stuff like catching up on blog reading, checking out the latest lolcat on, reading the past week’s comics on, paying a bill or two (maybe), and things like that.  I don’t do any of this during the week now, so on Friday it takes me all day to get it all done.  And this doesn’t include any housework that ought to get done on Friday, either.  Not that I did any to speak of yesterday…  And the carpets are gross, so I should have done them, at the very least.

Saturday and Sunday, it’s back to the grindstone for me.  I ran out of energy and time yesterday and didn’t get around to balancing my checkbook and paying bills, so I did that over morning coffee (yay.).  Then, I fixed breakfast for me and Mom and moved on to homework.  And here I’ve been ever since.  Thank goodness Mom fixed dinner tonight!  Before I started, I made a list of what I needed (and I use that term loosely) to get done this weekend.  Most of the work to be done was in the two classes I have tests in next week: Astronomy and Reading.  I did get most of the work I needed to do done.  I still have a chapter in Reading that I need to outline.  That’ll take me a couple of hours tomorrow.  I also have quite a bit of reading that needs to be done for Astronomy.  This, potentially, could take me HOURS.  I may just skip it and hope for the best.

I would love it if I had time tomorrow to get to Computer Use.  I have one assignment left before the “group” work, and I really, REALLY want to get it done.  That way, maybe next week I’ll get some time to get started on the group assignment and next weekend, get it FINISHED!!!  That’s my goal.  To finish Computer Use before the end of the semester.  It would also be nice to be able to get started on the homework for Problem Solving.  I don’t know, though.  That’s asking an awful lot of my time on a day that I can’t stay up til all hours getting work done.  I mean, I can stay up late tonight if I felt the need to keep working – and I might just yet so that I can finish the Reading work – but I can’t do that tomorrow.  Hmmm…I’ll have to think about this.

It sure would be nice to be able to mark out everything on my list for a change.

I have discovered that, as much as I love and adore Rush, I really don’t like their “Grace Under Pressure” album all that much.  Distant Early Warning and Red Sector A are good, but I don’t like Kid Gloves, The Body Electric, or Red Lenses.  And that’s really strange for me to admit.  For years, I’ve maintained steadfast devotion to my precious trio, claiming that I’ve never heard anything done by Rush that I didn’t like.  Well, here ya go.  I don’t like those three songs.  And, to listen to the majority of the “2112” album, I really have to be in the mood for it.  There are more albums, of course, that I like practically every song.  Presto.  Counterparts.  Roll The Bones.  Moving Pictures.  Definitely Power Windows.  My favorite album vacillates between Presto and Power Windows, depending on my mood that day.  But I could do without “Grace.”  Go figure.

Actually, now that I think about it, I have a tendency to skip around the “Snakes and Arrows” album.  The middle songs all start to sound alike to me.  I don’t have the two albums before “Snakes,” so I don’t know if they’ve just fallen into some kind rut, or what.  I’m not diggin’ current Rush much.  And that makes me incredibly sad to say.  With “Snakes and Arrows” I’ve made myself listen to it to, I don’t know, make it grow on me?  But it’s become like so much white noise, masking the sounds of the road and traffic.  I miss enjoying their music, I think.  The only problem is that most of the albums I love the most, I still own only on tape.  I really need to do something about that…

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Posted by on April 5, 2008 in daily life, general, Rush, school